
The road to Wigan…is near

By James Illingworth, Media manager, Wigan Council

There’s only a week to go before LGcomms Academy arrives in Wigan for the first time and we can’t wait to see you there.

We’re very proud to be hosting this year and hope it’s the start of a new chapter that could see towns like ours put themselves in the mix to host in the future, alongside the major cities.

There’s more background on how we came to be hosts for 2024 in our special podcast episode with LGcomms chair Andy Allsopp – listen to the episode here – so I’ll spare you the details in this blog.

Instead, I’d like to share a bit more about my journey to Wigan as you’re preparing to make your own.

I’m not a Wiganer, I’m from just over the border in West Lancashire, but started working here more than a decade ago.

Back then, as I was on the other side of the comms divide, it was part of my job to scrutinise this new council initiative called The Deal.

I’ve come full circle since and am now helping with the roll-out of our new approach, and the Deal’s successor, Progress With Unity (more on this later).

In the years in-between I reckon I’ve picked up a few things that may help you with what to expect when you arrive.

Firstly, they’re a proud bunch here in Wigan Borough.

I know that sounds like a bit of a catch-all, and every area has its strong connections to their shared history and sense of place.

But here they do have a unique sense of pride, and rightly so.

For example, the link to heritage, arts and culture burns inside like a fire within.

The list of homegrown world class athletes down the years is record breaking.

Their influence on the music scene, both in decades past and currently, is impressive.

And there’s a greenheart to the borough that is the envy of many.

They’re also feisty and passionate.

They’ll tell you in no uncertain terms what they think of something (which can be handy for a communications team).

And like Roberto Martinez’s Wigan Athletic, they’re not afraid to try something different to be competitive.

Perhaps most importantly, they’re friendly and hospitable.

I’ve seen at first-hand the value placed on community around here and I’ve made friends for life.

So, before you arrive for Academy, check out The Fire Within. Have a read about our Roman history and mining heritage.  

Listen to The Lathums, Lottery Winners and a bit of Northern Soul on your journey.

Tick off the checklist of sports stars that either went to St John Fisher High School or Fred Longworth High School.

Check out our transformation project at Haigh Hall – many of you will have similar masterplans in your areas and we’d love to hear about them –  and see why we’re always talking about Flashes.

And while you’re here, come and speak to us about Progress With Unity and what we’re trying to achieve for our communities.

There will be many parallels with the work of your teams, I’m sure.

We came back from Sheffield in 2023 and London in 2022 buzzing with ideas we’d heard (and then nicked) from you.

 “Oh, you’re here from Wigan Council. We’ve heard about the Deal,” is how it usually starts with us.

That’s the beauty of Academy. As comms professionals, we’re all in it together, much like the ethos here in Wigan.

The line-up is great, and the committee has done a brilliant job preparing the overall package.

But in those bits outside of the main sessions, on your journey to and from the venue, and at the extra-curricular events in the evening, we hope you soak up a bit of Wigan Borough.

We can’t wait to welcome you to The Edge in October. See you there.


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