Past events

LGcomms East of England regional network meeting

LGcomms, along with the Local Government Association, has been supporting the creation and development of networks across England and Scotland and this is the latest to be established.

The Networks provide an important forum for sharing issues, best practice, campaigns and briefings from key partners. They are also an important opportunity to focus on communications challenges which are unique to regions.

The first EoE network featured contributions from Transport East on their current agenda, and also the LGA, who highlighted their ‘Make A Difference’ recruitment Campaign.

Slides from Transport East


Saving money and generating income – how to make your Comms team indispensable

LGcomms partnered with key public sector partners CAN and e-shot to introduce how you can positively impact your organisation’s bottom line. This free webinar for LGcomms members summarised how to use relatively simple income generation techniques to increase comms budgets, use your organisation’s assets to your advantage, demonstrate comms impact in saving money, and understand which channels are the most efficient.

See Resources – members only

Lunch and Learn: Emergency comms lessons from the Plymouth Bomb

The discovery of an unexploded half-tonne World War II bomb in led to the biggest evacuation since World War II with more than 10,000 residents affected.

The Plymouth City Council communication team had to work at a relentless pace given that they had just 24 hours’ notice of the evacuation.

See Resources – members only


Flooding and weather emergencies Masterclass

With winter storms and other extreme weather events throughout the year becoming more frequent as a result of climate change, councils and public services are increasingly dealing with the impacts on individual, communities, properties and infrastructure.

LGcomms assembled the experience and the expertise of dealing well with recent flooding and extreme weather, alongside the practical help and advice you will need to help you deal with such an emergency.

Nottinghamshire presentation

City of York presentation

Aberdeenshire presentation


Communicating Elections – training event

With some significant changes in the electoral rules, electoral landscape and a General Election due, there is no better time to make sure you have the right plans, the right skills and the right information is in place.

This was a joint learning event between LGcomms and the Association of Electoral Administrators.

Count Media Pack Cheat Sheet

AEA LGcomms presentation

Election Comms

Electorial Commission AEA LGcomms

GLA LVRW & Voter ID presentation

LGcomms – Kirklees Council 


Webinar: Elevating Public Sector PR: Harnessing AI Beyond ChatGPT

Hosted by Andrew Bruce Smith, the Director at Escherman and Chair of the Chartered Institute of Public Relations AI In PR panel. With a distinguished career in PR, Andrew is at the forefront of dialogues surrounding the integration of AI, its boundless opportunities, and the ethical considerations entailed in its application within the communications sphere.

This webinar ventured beyond the basics, diving into a curated selection of AI tools that promise to significantly enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of your PR operations. Through a succinct tour, Andrew elucidated how these AI tools can be seamlessly integrated into your daily workflows, thereby propelling your PR strategies to new heights.

View slides here


Getting to grips with Combined Authorities – 4th October 2023

Combined Authorities are becoming a key part of the local government landscape right across England.  With more CA’s set to be established – and Mayors to be elected – an increasing number of local government communicators will be faced with new ways of working and new relationships to navigate.  This webinar offered an unparalleled expert view and a unique opportunity for LGcomms colleagues the chance to hear from senior leaders that have helped to establish and run Mayoral Combined Authorities in city-regions across the North of England.

View webinar here


Tackling Cost of Living comms – Central London, 27th September 2023, presented in partnership with JCDecaux

Our latest seminar, presented with our commercial partners JCDecaux delved into cost-of-living comms with a wealth of market intelligence on consumer/resident habits and preferences on spending, a great case study on innovative, community-based and led activity in Essex to help people with spiralling food prices, and a focus on the importance of inclusive approaches to marketing.

Read the top takeaways from LGcomms Chair Andy Allsopp here.

25th July 2023 Distributing secrets – what you need to know to run the perfect door drop campaign

Paper-based communications still play an important role in the delivery of impactful campaigns.

Letterbox Distribution, shared their experiences and insights – and the right questions you need to ask your distributors – to help your organisation run the perfect door-to-door campaign, highlighted through a key case study from Hammersmith and Fulham Council.

To view the webinar click here

13 July 2023 Health and care – working together. A conversation about system working and how communications can oil the wheels

A conversation about working with, arguably, local government’s biggest partner; the NHS.

With integration between health and care more vital than ever how do we navigate partnership working across organisational boundaries, different cultures, competing priorities and changing landscapes not to mention the acronyms?

To view a pdf takeaway from the event please click here

22 June 2023: Webinar: Communicating change of control

In this free webinar for LGcomms members, held in partnership with the Local Government Association, senior communicators will reflect on their own experiences of working in authorities which have changed control and offer advice on building effective working relationships with new administrations.

16 May 2023: Workshop: Effective communications during the cost of living crisis

A timely interactive half-day workshop to provide insights and practical advice on communicating effectively during the current cost of living crisis.

Download the presentation:

‘Here for You’ by Lucy Downham

22 March 2023: Lunch and learn webinar on crisis communications

Adam Keating, Strategic Communications Manager at Southend-on-Sea City Council talked about dealing with the tragic murder of the area’s longstanding and well-respected MP and working to ensure a fast, sensitive, and dignified response.

31 January 2023: Exceeding fostering campaign targets with targeted TV advertising

In this webinar Hampshire County Council explained how they used targeted TV advertising to help them exceed their fostering campaign targets. Using a mix of AdSmart from Sky alongside radio, digital and other channels, their campaign successfully showcased what a wonderful role being a foster carer can be while also highlighting the urgent need for foster carers in their community.

30 Nov 2022: LGcomms Academy 2022: Crisis – the new normal for public service communications?

Public sector communicators have been at the forefront of the recent crises – Covid-19, Brexit, Ukraine war, cost of living, climate change and more. The pace has increased and expectations risen in equal proportions. The 2022 Comms Academy explored if crisis comms has become business as usual and what this means.

You can still download the speaker presentations from the Academy.

16 June 2022: Campaign Planning and Evaluation Masterclass

A session on campaign planning, featuring practical theory, the importance of creativity, and a spotlight on evaluation, from some of the industry’s leading experts.

Hear from public sector colleagues about four very different but equally effective campaigns, showing how theory, planning, creativity and evaluation come together to give you the results you’re looking for.

Download event presentations below:

17 May 2022: Building trust and engagement post-pandemic – a note through your door

This LGcomms partner event was hosted by Marketreach by Royal Mail, and presented the findings of a new report about trust in local government.

You can listen back to this event using the access passcode: z6=*B!HX.

Download the building trust and engagement event presentation.

23-24 November 2021: Public Service Communications Academy

The 2021 Public Service Communications Academy (or Academy) took place on 23-24 November under the theme Partnerships, Performance and People. Just like previous years, the event also hosted the Public Service Communications Awards ceremony.

17 November 2021: Climate change communications: what’s next for local authorities? (joint LGcomms/LGA webinar)

Decarbonisation must happen in every community and household. and local authorities are already invested in the changes that need to be made. In many areas, they are leading the way having declared ‘climate emergencies’ years ago.

This joint LGcomms/LGA webinar, funded by UK government, explored different approaches that local authorities are using to address climate change challenges.

You can download the presentations from this climate change event on the LGA’s website.

19 October 2021: Living with COVID-19 and preparing for the challenges of winter (joint LGcomms/LGA webinar)

As the vaccination programme is rolled out to cover 12 to 15-year-olds and booster jabs, this webinar featured presentations from central government and local authorities on their plans to protect communities over the winter months.

You can download the presentations from this event on the LGA’s website.

18 October 2021: Wellbeing in comms

Wellbeing has never been further up the agenda for comms professionals as it is now. This webinar featured a panel discussion with open and frank perspectives on the impact of work on our mental health and wellbeing. Participants were also able to join a mini-wellbeing session with Fresh Air Fridays, find out more about their Breathing Space sessions on their website.

21 September 2021: COVID-19 communications: Planning for post-pandemic recovery (joint LGcomms/LGA webinar)

At this webinar, council communicators shared good practice and campaigns related to post-pandemic recovery.

You can download the presentations from this event on the LGA’s website.

27 July 2021: Direct mail in the pandemic and in the future

The pandemic changed the way local authorities needed to engage with their citizens, making direct mail an important tool in order to speak to every household with credibility and authority. This webinar featured speakers from Royal Mail, Surrey County Council and Essex County Council which shared valuable data and insight into using mail or door drop during the pandemic.

You can view the recording and transcript of this webinar within the resources section of the website.

20 July 2021: Building a compelling narrative for your council and why it matters (joint LGcomms/LGA webinar)

At this webinar we heard from councils and strategic communicators who have successfully developed narratives – how they did it and why it’s important. You can download the presentations from this event on the LGA’s website.

29 June 2021: Comms in a world of constant Covid

2021 has seen a continuation of the huge demands of Covid-19 plus the return of most of the ‘business as usual’ activities. For many councils, add in the elections of May 2021 and the ambitions of a new administration and the challenges can be huge. This webinar looked at how to manage the workload, support our teams’ wellbeing and build on the new influence that communications has at the top table. Colleagues from Staffordshire County Council, Telford and Wrekin Council and Derbyshire County Council shared their experiences and tips for thriving in the new world.

17 June 2021: Communicating easing of restrictions

As we continue through the national roadmap out of lockdown, council communications and engagement will be key to ensuring that residents stay alert to the ongoing risks of the virus and that any ongoing or additional restrictions are adhered to. In this Government funded webinar, we heard from councils who have been planning for the future and working on new ways to successfully communicate with residents.

8 June 2021: Working with new members

At this webinar we heard from some of the most experienced communicators in local government on how to work effectively with a new political administration post-election, and to explore the issues, challenges and opportunities that a change in leadership can bring.

20 May 2021: Engaging with young people (joint LGcomms/LGA webinar)

In this Government funded webinar we explored how council communications teams can work to increase vaccine uptake amongst our younger residents. We heard from Luton Borough Council about the work they are doing with young people, as well as the Department of Health and Social Care.

29 April 2021: Reviving the local economy – supporting the recovery in your high streets

Powering economic growth post-pandemic is a ket challenge for every council. From Freeports to freehouses, at this webinar we learned how councils are leading the way in helping local economies to thrive.

28 April 2021: Surge testing and local outbreaks (joint LGcomms/LGA webinar)

This webinar looked at the lessons learned from previous local outbreaks of COVID-19 and experience of rapidly deploying surge testing. Surrey County Council and Manchester City Council will share their approaches and learnings, alongside colleagues in central government.

11 March 2021: Vaccine communications, tackling hesitancy and misinformation (joint LGcomms/LGA webinar)

This webinar featured speakers from local and central government, and looked at how councils and public sector partners can increase uptake of the vaccine by working to understand and tackle vaccine hesitancy and counter misinformation. The presentations are available on the LGA website.