Read the latest blog from LGcomms Chair, Andy Allsopp
A little less than a month has gone by since the LGcomms Annual General Meeting in Leeds and we are making great progress with planning the agenda for this year and into next.
We have one of our largest Executive Committee memberships ever – 52 representatives from public services the length and breath of the UK – and with that number comes, we hope, the capacity and the experience to make a real difference for our membership and our profession.
Against the backdrop of council changes in control following the May 4 elections, its a fair bet that comms will be high up the agenda of new administrations – so if your council is not a member, there’s no better time to take advantage of all the help and support LGcomms can offer.
What is true – and elections and regime change is just one facet of this – is that change, uncertainty, and volatility will continue to characterise our professional environment.
The uncertainty is heightened by the finances pressures all our organisations are facing – and which, for a small number of our member councils, has led to what is effectively organisational bankruptcy. We have also been grappling with the impacts of industrial action.
This is where LGcomms, I believe, will do its best work over the coming months and years.
Starting off well is important – so as we recently announced, there will be no price increase for membership in 23/24.
Equally, making sure our offer, through seminars, webinars and this year’s Academy, is 100% relevant is crucial.
I am really pleased that we kick off next week in Manchester with a seminar, presented with JCDecaux, on communicating through the cost-of-living crisis – showcasing some brilliant case studies and insight and discussing the best ways to target those who need support the most.
This was a key issue on the doorstep with the elections – and one we can anticipate will be with us for some time to come. If you want the inside track on how to make your comms really work for your council and community on cost-of-living, book on here:
As important as our ability to create positive impacts within communities is, the context of challenges and change within our organisation means internal communications and engagement will assume an importance as never before.
A final word on you, our membership. We are in a good place, compared with a year ago, in terms of numbers – up in numbers, with stronger regional representation. We have a brilliant, talented top team working for you – we are here for you and we are as keen as ever to hear from you as we develop this year’s agenda.
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